A plea to a Judge. Please stop her from being abused

A letter to the judge on the value of Deliberate Donkey.

The left side

I was reading a post from Deliberate Donkey a few days ago where she mentioned that her Abusive soon to be ex-husband was going to ask the Judge to force this wonderfully helpful woman to shut down her blog because she is “harassing” him through it.  When I read that, I wanted to attack. I offered to write a letter to the Judge for her and this is what I came up with.


Your Honor,

  My name is Abby and I am a survivor of horrific Domestic Abuse. It is not alleged abuse, it is proven abuse through images and a conviction for my abuser (who is currently in NJ State Prison). I was lucky enough to be able to have charges filed so that NO ONE can ever say I mistook my abusers actions for something other than Domestic Violence. I do not know you, you do…

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